The Conspiracy Pages
[Bob] Lazar learned that the United States had acquired a number of extraterrestrial spacecraft, although in what circumstances was not explained. He also claims to have seen autopsy reports as well as black-and-white photographs of alien bodies (the typical "grays" weighing twenty-five to fifty pounds, with large, hairless heads), and photos of various organs (some cross-sectioned) spread on a table, with weights and densities listed.
p.176 Alien Contact - Timothy Good
Internet UFO Group
Fortean Times On Line - this address has java and sound page
AUFORA - The Alberta UFO Research Association - Latest News
Natty's UFO Page
Stanton Friedman's UFO Page
The UFO Guide a glossary
The Roswell Centre a commercial site selling the Santilli film
The Roswell Incident - with stills from the autopsy
THE GROOM LAKE DESERT RAT and THE PARANOID NEWS "The Naked Truth from Open Sources"
Smitty's UFO Page - my own Groom experience
UFO Gallery - pictures
Groom Lake photos (Rutgers)
UFO images (Phoenix)
Wiretap Online Library (UFOs)
We have no direct sensory experience of the four-dimensional space-time, and whenever this relativistic reality manifests itself - that is, in all situations where high velocities are involved - we find it very hard to deal with it at the level of intuition and ordinary language. An extreme example of such a situation occurs in quantum electrodynamics, one of the most successful relativistic theories of particle physics, in which antiparticles may be interpreted as particles moving backward in time.
p.89 The Turning Point - Fritjof Capra
the edge of science
Physics Unbound
Galileo Images - images from the Galileo from NASA
Einstein - Spacetime
[Louis] Farrakan claims that on the night of September 17, 1985 he was on a hilltop near some ancient ruins in the Mexican town of Tepotzlan. A UFO appeared at the nearby mountain; three landing legs appeared from the bottom of the UFO, but the object did not land. Instead the "wheel" beckoned to him with a burst of intense light. He was voluntarily carried into the wheel by the light. The "wheel" then carried him to a "mother wheel" high above the earth. The Mother Wheel's dimensions are given as a half-mile by a half-mile. Farrakan says that the Mother Wheel was built by humans and it was frequently talked about by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad for over 60 years.
p.38 People of the Web - Gregory F. Little
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